Statewide Advocacy Day

We showed our power in Annapolis!

Our Statewide Advocacy Day on Housing, Health, & Climate Justice was a success!

On February 21 in Annapolis, about 100 of us from AIM, PATH, ACT, and Interfaith Power & Light met with our State Senators and Delegates to support EmPOWER reform, affordable housing, and tenants’ rights legislation.

We shared our personal stories about why we want these bills passed because everyone has the right to a healthy, safe, affordable home.

 We met with over 25 legislators and staff. Our strength in numbers, diversity, and stories made a powerful impact on our elected officials.

Over the next month, we will continue to push for these bills in Annapolis. Check out our Statewide Campaign Page for more opportunities to get involved.

Thank you to everyone who participated for showing your power with us!


Statewide Victories


2024 Statewide Campaign